Sunday, January 25, 2015

Four of Thirty Treatments Done

Supplements ready to be sorted.
Got thru the week. Can feel a little of the treatment effects so far but nothing painful. My oncologist warned me that I probably will be dealing with lack of appetite and acid reflux soon... shall see if that turns out to be the case. Staying positive as I can but also keenly aware of side effects. I started using Radiagel on my skin where I think the radiation is hitting- that was my mistake last time- forgetting to take care of my skin from the beginning.

Had to sort my supplements/medicine and couldn't believe it took 45 minutes. Glad to have them sorted for now. I take a lot of supplements and additionally Chinese herbal medicine...

I have another tattoo now- another little itty bitty dot on my left side so the radiation technicians can quickly know if I'm positioned properly. So I have a total of 3 tattoos now, sure they're dots but that's as much as I have the guts to deal with... :)
So I've been pretty fatigued this weekend, not sure if it is from being tired from work or side effect from radiation. I listened to my body though. Took naps, enjoyed family time, saw a movie, enjoyed date night time with my husband, and got to work on my blog for a little bit- happy to now be prepped for most of February. Gave myself permission to be brief on some posts...

Saw my oncologist on Saturday and he pulled yet another rabbit out of the hat. This time he told me that I might not get the other two chemo treatments right after radiation. He might wait until after I'm back from visiting the US for Spring Break... he kindly said that it would make it less of a burden while I'm on my trip... I just want to take care of what needs to be done. So... shall see. He said it depended on my reactions to radiation and if I didn't lose weight, timing, etc.

The visualization and breathing practice is helping me get thru radiation. Also my wonderful sister's special memory blog posts are picking me up each day and enjoying going back in time mentally with her...  Grateful for coworkers for giving me rides and walking with me to radiation... also grateful for those who have told me that they'll give me rides and walk with me- so kind... I certainly find that the help gets me to treatment. I also am thankful that when I walk into the clinic a little early I sometimes can get treatment a little sooner... Glad that I don't have to go on the weekends, that'd be abysmal. Thanks to all who have been commenting online, emailing me, etc... really is a lift.

Well... thanks for journeying with me... will likely be quiet this week unless something strikes me for writing...

Can appreciate wearing a hat.
Especially over wearing a wig. Tired of wigs.


  1. A zillion pounds of loverino . . . xxxx

    1. Thank you! And thank you for the beautiful card, so touched to receive!

  2. You look beautiful in the hat Debbie. Sending you lots of love, hugs and positive thoughts. Xena sends doggy kisses.

    1. Thank you! Hugs your way... thought of Xena as I snuggled with Dulcie tonight... our girls are both so sweet! :)

  3. Your inner beauty radiates outward. Lucky us.

  4. Yeah, I'm not sure if I'd be a wig person either. Your hats and scarves look so lovely on you. And I agree with Jennifer: lucky us to see your smiling face!

    1. :) I much prefer the hats and scarves. Was thinking about wearing a different wig- pink or blue from my sister, would love to surprise my students... perhaps for book week...

  5. I love you in a hat, and I love that picture of you. You are truly beautiful. XXOO

    1. Thank you Lenore... can't wait to see you in person!!!!

  6. You really have such a lovely smile and spirit Debbie. Thanks for including a photo. :)

    1. Thanks Michele! I am trying to remember to get pictures taken... :)
